Caravan Uzbec Restaurant

Caravan Uzbec Restaurant
str. Mihai Eminescu, 64
Chisinau, Moldova
+373 (22) 22 24 05

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Caravan Uzbec Restaurant


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Caravan Uzbec Restaurant Caravan Uzbec Restaurant
str. Mihai Eminescu, 64
Chisinau, Moldova
Tel: +373 (22) 22 24 05
Mobile: +373 69 126215

Caravan Uzbec Restaurant
str. Mihai Eminescu, 64
Chisinau, Moldova

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About the Restaurant

On May 1, 2006 the Uzbek restaurant CARAVAN, a true Oriental oasis, opened its doors in the downtown area of Chisinau. It presented an irresistible temptation for the local gourmets dreaming for a long time to add an exotic flair to the European lifestyle. Halt your step for a moment at the entrance door: the sophisticated world of Central Asia full of surprises is waiting for you behind its doors. Every detail in the interior reminds you of the Orient: national Central Asian ornaments, clay figurines brought here from the Uzbek holy places, lights, linen and organza curtains. One of the restaurant room walls is adorned with the embroidered Susanu rug made in Samarqand. All the restaurant's tableware with the traditional hand-made golden ornaments was also purchased in that Uzbek city full of mysteries and legends.

CARAVAN resembles a hospitable Uzbek home, where a guest is welcomed heartily, accompanied to the coziest place with lots of rugs and soft cushions, given a tasty meal and ultimately offered tasty special brew tea. Please do not be surprised the waiters are filling your Uzbek teacup - piala - only half-full. According to the Uzbek tradition, the more honorable the guest is, the less tea is pored into his piala at a time. It is the host's privilege to demonstrate special attention and care of his guests, filling their pialas as often as possible.

The restaurant has another room appealing to the admirers of romantic interiors. The total restaurant can provide places for 64 guests.

CARAVAN's specialty and its jewel is the special retreat room for female visitors, which is closed for men. Considering its soft sofas, huge mirrors and overtly emphasized Oriental luxury, CARAVAN is going to become a far more popular retreat from male society that any other establishment.


The Uzbek cuisine is one of the most specific and well developed aspects of the Uzbek culture which is worth exploring. Obviously, a European visitor finds it hard to enjoy a full-scale Uzbek meal which includes typically about a dozen different courses giving tribute to the Uzbek hospitality. The people living in Central Asia relish an unhurried, long and enjoyable meal. The large number of the diverse treats amazes the diet friends unprepared to such lavishness.

Manty, cazan-kebab, adjapsanda, ovchi taomi (rabbit meat in white sauce), dolma solma,samsa fayez, covurma lagman (noodles fried with sliced veal and tomatoes),Tamerlan'sTemptation -those are only some excerpts from CARAVAN"s menu. Pilaf is the jewel and the specialty of any Uzbek restaurant. The Uzbek men are proud of their ability to cook the most unique and luxurious pilafs.

Every morning starts in the restaurant with a glass of the traditional Uzbek drink - airan. This lactic fermentation dairy product is filling, and it is an excellent thirst quencher; furthermore, it produces an invigorating and rejuvenating effect and improves immunity. In addition to the Uzbek cuisine, CARAVAN offers breakfasts of other cuisines from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

The Hookah Room

The restaurant has a special room where you can find a retreat from the outside world behind thick curtains and become closer to the holy Uzbek places.

This impression is emphasized by the pained ceiling representing the sanctum sanctorum domes and the pictures of Registan. The paintings were made by professional artists.

CARAVAN does not offer just a hookah; it cultivates a hookah culture, offering tobacco with the diverse aromas, such as milk, juice and fruit water. Professional hookahs and multiple blends of expensive high quality tobacco were specially imported for the purposes.

Our hookah room has seats for 8 guests.

You are welcome from 8:00 to 23:00.
Caravan Uzbec
Caravan Uzbec Restaurant Map













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